News – Watereazy Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of Successful Operation at Qingdao Wangshan Water Treatment Plant

On November 18, 2022, Watereazy’s Wangshan Water Treatment Plant, located in the Xihai’an New Area of Qingdao, Shandong Province, marked its official 10th anniversary since commencing operations. Originally constructed with a capacity of 100,000 tons per day, the plant was expanded in 2015 to its current 100,000 tons per day. The primary processing equipment utilized Watereazy’s independently developed and produced 10,000 tons per day package treatment system, employing a conventional treatment process encompassing coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. The first phase has been running smoothly for a decade, while the second phase has been operating steadily for eight years.

Over the past decade, the Wangshan Water Treatment Plant has encountered numerous significant events and challenges but has consistently maintained highly efficient, stable, and reliable operations. Notably, the completion of the plant’s second-phase expansion in 2015 substantially increased its water supply capacity, effectively meeting the area’s growing water demands.

Furthermore, the Wangshan Water Treatment Plant emphasizes environmental protection and energy conservation. It incorporates advanced wastewater treatment technology and equipment, ensuring the effective treatment and reuse of wastewater. Simultaneously, the plant intensifies efforts to safeguard water sources and monitor water quality, ensuring that the supplied water meets national standards and user requirements.

As one of Shandong Province’s vital infrastructural assets, the construction and operation of the Wangshan Water Treatment Plant have received substantial support and attention from various levels of government and society. Looking ahead, the Wangshan Water Treatment Plant will continue to play a crucial role, providing even higher quality and dependable water services to local residents and industrial zones.

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